being funny and all, sometimes we just never know what lies in wait for us just around the corner, on the other side of that crook in the road, the bend, across the pond. But it definitely does show up and before we know it life happens and we are flung
head-long into the mist previously known as...
This is the tale of one (or possibly more) of those
mystical magical upstart thingies plus a few 'fling me over the cliff' events, of which I am SO fond (
yeh right)
...which cause great confusion, consternation, fear, joy, chaos, peace, turmoil, bloodshed and g
eneral merriment not to mention serial mayhem AND several and assorted other emotions too numerous and memorable to list here but you get the point.
Dylan and Zach. Doncha just love the look of love?

Life's funny moments

Uh Oh
...what DID you do?

Making up...

Making up, Part II
Dylan and Zach. Yep, they are definitely a couple of misfits to be sure,
best buds
to the end and known for their BUDDDD....ISM,
although why that is nobody has had a clue up to now including but not limited to,
friends, family, 'rents, disposable siblings, and assorted and sundry
other misfits too numerous to bother with.
But whether misfits or not, yes it can be said...
changes in life come, often swiftly and usually without any warning whatsoever.
By the very nature of the thing, change often implies that nothing stays the same and a Sea Change is the biggest change of all. It is wildly transformational and directs you onto a different
course entirely than the one you were on or the one you thought you would stay on. (SILLY YOU!)
It is vividly complete in its context and yes, Dylan was about to find out just how true all of that is. Dylan and Zach and others too. Is Dylan a catalyst of change? A change agent in human form perhaps? Maybe. But whether or not he is, he is definitely in for a big change and quick.
Who knew?
Yeh, who in the hell knew?
Hmmm...I wonder, I really do wonder.
The start of the adventure begins with Chapter I...NEXT.