AHHH yes, the sane (questionable) parents from whose loins we sprung, BOING...and the chaos that has caused. It is a wonder anyone survived. BUT, yes we did and whoo hoo.

First, my mother was an only child as I had hoped to be. (When I got here Alex was already here by barely a year and so much for MY plans for world domination beginning with the family homestead.)

Her family was old prominent and old money and old. (My grandmother was a late starter in the mommy dept and quite the rabble rouser in her day). She (mother) is Scot-Irish and French Huguenot on her fathers side and Welsh on her mothers side. Creative and traceable back to the Celtic people on both sides. Medium dark with dark hair (lot of red pigment though) and she is like her mother was, short...5'3" and 4'10" respectively.

Dad on the other hand was not any of that but middle class and comfortable and that is a-ok. Fairly tall and from a part of the Netherlands that is close to Scandinavia so they tend to be blonde and fair to medium complected and often blue eyes but brown is also common and even hazel

Mother was a fantastic singer (she recorded early on) and musician (cello, keyboards, and like her father violin), and almost wound up doing it professionally but her mother nixed that idea and so she wound up majoring in journalism and architecture in college and excelled at both which is par for the course for her.

Dad grew up in a family of 6, and in the middle. Not big money but nobody starved or went to school naked (ok there was that one time), but it was also a pretty dysfunctional family in a lot of ways. Dad was not and is not close to any of his 5 siblings nor his parents. So we live outside of that world most of the time. Mother's family was closer but many were much older and are now gone so we don't have much family outside of the immediate us

Mother I think sometimes still regrets not doing more with her music, and hasn't done all that much with the design either. She has done our home of course and a few things here and there but she hasn't really worked outside the home since I was about 4.

We kids are an eclectic mixed bag to be sure. Alex is the oldest and tall like Dad (6'3") only far more so (6'6" so far). Fair and blonde and blue-eyed. Thin to be sure, while I who came next favor mother and although much taller than she is, am darker haired with brown eyes and medium dark complexion. I am told I am a bit exotic looking but I don't see that. Teddy is a mix of both mother and dad. Fair, blonde, blue eyed and short (5'5"). Like Alex, he is built and cute. Alexis the youngest of all of us is also a bit mixed but favors mother and I more but fairly tall (5'9" so far). Dark and impish. I have no doubt she will turn to modeling and I won't be surprised if Teddy doesn't too. God knows they got the looks for it.

We have had dogs and cats and I had a Parrot (God what a hoot he was) and horses (yes we have a stables but no horses any more and I wish we did). I even had fish once but mother told me one morning that the last of my angel fish had died, frightened by a couple of Zephyr fish that would zoom around the aquarium and they had also committed suicide earlier that morning and maybe I wasn't cut out for life as a fisherman and I had to sorta agree. I wanted to but just never really got into the fish thing so...but HORSES yeh.

I told Zach and he said he would help me to convince dad to get a pair of horses, but that would be stupid of course. We go to California next summer, and That ain't gonna happen, but when Zach and I are out of college and have our own home, I want stables and horses, and dogs and cats and yes, MAYBE EVEN ANOTHER PARROT. LOL. 

I love my parents, although I am a bit partial to my mom as Alex is to dad, and Teddy my younger brother is to mom too. Alexis the youngest also to dad. Alex and dad are practically joined at the hip which grates sometimes, but it is what it is and so, okay.

Mom and I can sit and talk for hours, although now it is a bit harder to do with Zach and all...and he and I are kinda glued to each other and that I suppose is natural when you are new at being a couple.

Have I mentioned that I LOVE that silly fuck?
Ok, lol.

Anyway, mother had no siblings and dad isn't close to his so I feel I have no aunts or uncles and that is sad. Most of my friends DO and seem to like that and I think I would too, but reality is what it is. Our grandparents are also all dead except for my dad's mother but we aren't close so it is kinda like she might as well be too and sorry for saying that but true. My mom's mother was close to forty when she had mom and died fairly young (when I was five) so I barely got to know her. My grandfather died when I was 10 and I think he just kinda gave up after grandma died. Sad to say.

My mother took it hard losing both of them when she was still so young and I think she has never really gotten over that. She has pictures of her mother and I have caught her looking at them and looking sad and it breaks my heart.

Dad doesn't have that same situation..and don't know how he feels about it. He and I love each other to be sure but don't talk much. He is closer to Alex, they seem to have a lot more in common I guess and so be it.

Nothing special I think, our family. Strange in some ways but very very normal in others and that is pretty common I guess.

Ok, now I know you are just bustin' a gut to know about Alex and Tony and Zach and me, and so forth. Ok, as I look back on this time in our lives I can scarcely believe what has happened and continues to. Weird, but kinda kewl in a way too.

Ok, Alex and Tony first. A hoot. As I was leaving Pizza Hut that fateful day I saw Tony in his car on the phone, and I knew why...and later I found out I was right cause he beat me home. Eager little beaver say what? Not only that but Alex had been waiting for me in my bedroom and then Tony got there and when I stepped into my room...oops. They were both there and all smoochyface. OMG. I quickly backed out of AHEM, MY BEDROOM, and I don't think they had even noticed

Downstairs I went and got to the kitchen just as Zach got home and I knew I better warn him. He has never been too keen on Alex hahaha, and this will be priceless to watch the reaction...BUT,

"ZACH, honey?"
"Hey baby,"
and I got smooched. Oh yes I did.
"Honey, don't go upstairs yet."
"Ok. Uh, why?"

I told him
he sputtered,
Uh how did THAT happen and when and, uh..."

"Ok, here goes."
I had to spill the beans and about had a giggle fit from hell doing it,

and Zach sputtered and spit and laughed and coughed all at the same time
Cute to watch. Hehehe.

and he finally sputtered to a stop and then we hugged and giggled and...

"Yeh. They in our bedroom too. Both of them. All kissyface".
Fuck. I thought Zach was gonna pass out on that one.

Ok, we waited about a half hour and then I got Teddy to go check on my bedroom. Made an excuse that I needed something. HAH, boy was that a hoot for an eleven year see his oldest brother liplocked with another duuuude.

But no, they or so he said when he came back down. They were just going out of the bedroom and into Alex's. Hmmm. Drat.

Cause I knew Teddy would go straight to mom with this little juicy tidbit. Oh yes he would, But...fuck.

Ok, Zach and a minute. Got to go answer the holler of death, aka Mom needs me holler.


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